How Big Is Love? by Amy Parker- A Book Review

You guys, this book is ADORABLE! It's perfect for both of my children (son- just turned 3, daughter- 1 1/2). Not only is it suitable for them because it's a board book (Can I just send a shout out to whoever invented board books?!), but the content is beautiful.

As I've shared before in book reviews, having a book that shares the values of the Bible, and the love of Jesus in words that speak directly to toddlers is thrilling as a Mother. "How Big Is Love?" expresses what love is in such a cute, catchy, and understandable way to kids. I especially appreciate the author, Amy Parker, taking a page in the story to praise Fathers- their strength, and their love.

My son would say his favorite part of the book is looking for the cricket on every page, thanks to the Illustrator, Breezy Brookshire. It's a fun way to keep him involved, while the message of God's love subconsciously flows through his mind, into his heart. I give this book five stars!