Tonight, all is well in the world. My world. It’s almost mid August, and I have had sudden fears lately that summer is quickly coming to an end. I have begun to stop and smell the roses, if you will. Things like enjoying the warmth and rush of heat when I first step out side in the morning; or going for my morning jog and talking my life over with God; or walking at a beautiful lake with a dear friend and lazily bantering about life and what could be; or sitting here in my apartment all alone listening to one of my favorite sounds in all the world…summer chirping bugs. It only happens in the summer with the windows wide open, the still heat wrapping my body in its embrace, and the bugs singing their soothing melodies that speak directly to my soul.
A soul that reflects my Savior’s peace. A peace that only comes from a God who knows me intimately, deeply- a God who knows my heart and all its hidden chambers and passages. A God who is whispering quietly to my soul, my very being, that all is well in my world.
A God who is gently leading me where I never thought it possible to go. He is opening the door to a new chapter in my life, and each day I am more certain that He has something bigger then I could imagine for my life. My God is leading me to write. He has given me a passion to express, to put life into words, to create art out of letters. (Why else would I be typing this letter on a Saturday night? Ha!) I have nothing to write about that doesn’t include Him. It would be like trying to hang out with my engaged friend and expecting her not to talk about her future husband (in only 26 more days!).
God is leading me to write some how and in some way. Whether that is through more schooling, or working for a publishing company, I am not sure. I just know that I have to take that step of faith and go for it. I want to write, and be used by God in this way, however that may look.
In order for this to become a reality, and not just a dream, I have to work hard at it and pursue it. It has become clear to me that it’s time for my days with Consumed Ministries (as an official staff member) to end. It has been a difficult decision, as I have loved being apart of this ministry. God has brought us through so much, and he has chosen to allow me to be apart of something that has forever changed my life.
I am humbled by your prayers, support, gifts, love, and belief of God in me. You have partnered with me in an incredible way, and I am eternally grateful. It is unfathomable that you would support me and cheer me on no matter the cost. Thank you. Thank you for walking with me on this journey, and always believing in me.
Though my staff days with Consumed are ending, nothing could shake the bond that I have with this family. I will continue to reside in Minneapolis, participate in Consumed functions, and will maintain involvement with our established community. This just means that I am going to have to work at Starbucks full time now (to support myself financially) and will be freed up to really pursue writing education, or a career- wherever God leads!
I am indebted to you for your constant love, care, concern and support of me and what God has for my life. I can’t thank you enough. Please know from the depth of my heart how truly grateful I am for all your support. It means more to me then you’ll ever know. I pray that God richly blesses you for your involvement in my life. I would ask that you continue to be involved by praying for me as I blindly follow God down a new road less traveled for me. It’s exciting for me to walk hand-in-hand with my Father as he navigates me to the most astounding places that I never knew existed!
Feel free to ask me any questions, give me any feedback or comments, etc. I love you, and I want you to continue on this journey called life together with me!
I hope all is well in your world. Not because the circumstances are perfect, or because things are going your way. But, maybe because there are summer bugs chirping outside your window, or summer air hugging you every morning when you walk outside… or maybe because you have stopped to listen to God’s gentle words whispering to your soul…