I'm Gonna be a Scarf

I am feeling very much like a knitted scarf lately. God is taking seemingly very different pieces of yarn (themes, if you will) and weaving them all together. At first glance, the yarn (themes) do not seem to match, or go together at all. But, as I reflect on all these colors of my life that He's weaving, I am continually reminded that I am finite. My mind is finite. My heart is finite.

I am continually reminded that He is infinite! Some times, that's all I need to know. Other times, I am awoken in the night, fearful of the unknown. Still other times, I find myself curled up in a ball, crying on the floor to my God for answers. In the end, I am going to be the most beautifully, wonderfully crafted scarf, and I truly believe that. Ironically, once I am a scarf, that is when I will finally see my Savior face-to-face.

This is the moment I can not get out of my head lately. What if He says, "Depart from me. I never knew you."? The thought makes me tremble in fear. But what if, my Savior says to me, "Well done MY good and faithful servant!" That thought brings me face down on the floor, dying to cling to his feet at this very moment. I can not imagine meeing my Savior face-to-face. I simply can not fathom.

I long for it though. Oh how I long for it.

I rest in Romans 10:9-10. "That if you confess with your mouth 'Jesus is Lord', and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be SAVED. For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you confess and are SAVED." =)


Katie said...

YOu may not see it now, but you ARE a beautiful scarf even in the midst of your making! :) I'm very thankful for you Abs! You are so much fun and speak truth into my life! Thank you for being you!

Unknown said...

I saw your comment on Gretchen's blog about the new twins and I came over to say hi! I never knew you when I was at BBC, but I did know and LOVE your father : ). I thought this post was so beautifully written. And one last thing, HOW CUTE IS THAT BABY : )? Awwwwwwwwwwww. I just LOVE it! I am so glad you get to be his nanny. That truly does sound like the best job in the world! Hope you have a blessed week!

the way I see it... said...

i love this analogy, abs.