Sweet Things by Gretchen Miller

It’s not my story; It’s your story, Father, so help me tell it well…
Hello blog world. I hope you all are doing well. I am writing to you from Bloomington, Minnesota—the place I have called home now for 11 years. Abigail approached me about 3 months ago to write a post, and I have had several ideas swirling around in my head, but nothing was making its way in coherent form on paper. This weekend, God solidified in me what I hope will be an encouragement to you.

My husband, Jamie, and I work with college students at Normandale Community College, and this weekend was the winter retreat. In the first session together my friend Ben shared his testimony. Ben came to follow Jesus as a teenager, and at least from my perspective, he was given a very special gift. Ben shared with us that while he didn’t have full understanding of who or what he was deciding to follow, he did feel a deep conviction that God was good, God was real, and God loved him. These convictions have stayed with him as he has followed Jesus, and they have been the guide as he wrestles and works through all the ramifications of his salvation, and what that means for life on planet earth. Wow! What a gift!
I hope you share in Ben’s experience. I hope when you are confronted with struggles and questions in this life the truth of God’s existence, His goodness, and His love for you have always been resolved. This conviction would eliminate any contrary thinking, and allow you to work on top of that foundation. That is amazing. If by chance, and I feel like there are a lot of us, you are anything like me these truths have not always been so easily resolved.

I am pretty sure I can say I have always believed God to be real. Growing up in the faith, it is all I have ever known, so that one has not been as difficult. But I have most assuredly doubted God’s goodness, and I have definitely questioned His love for me over the years. Praise be to the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit- the most patient of teachers, who’s full of grace and truth! He has walked, and taught, and encouraged, and displayed, and walked, and re-taught, and encouraged, and displayed, and walked, and re-taught, and encouraged, and displayed until these truths have been resolved deep down in my bones: God is real, God is good, and God sure does love me a lot.
If you lived close, I would take the time to share how God has done this over the years. It would take many, many chats in front of the fireplace of my home, or sitting on my favorite red Adirondack chairs out front, or sharing a sweet cinnamon roll treat at my favorite place in Minneapolis (seriously, so delicious). And the truth is, even then, I probably couldn’t scratch the surface with how faithful God has been to teach me in my journey. So today I choose to share one thing He gave me about 10 years ago. It still serves as my reminder how God is so very, very good and He loves me so very, very much. I like to call them “Sweet Things”.

Sweet Things came to me in a season of great doubt in my life. Jamie and I had just moved from Clarks Summit, Pennsylvania, to Minnesota, believing God had called us to a new ministry here. The time leading up to the move was difficult, but exhilarating! We were taking a big leap of faith and that was HUGE for me. I did not take risks. I liked to have control, but in this season, God’s hand was clear, so we stepped out. I remember getting a letter from my sister-in-law recounting to me the story of the Israelites crossing the Jordan River. She encouraged me by pointing out God was faithful to his people in parting the waters AFTER the priests had led the people with that all-important, sometimes-terrifying first step into the rushing water. I left Pennsylvania ready to see God part the waters and lead us to our promised land. Something probably happened in the heavenly realms, but it felt more like the waters picked up momentum, and I was drowning. Great.
Shortly after we moved, I joined a women’s Bible study. I was one of the younger ladies in the group and we were going to work through the study Jesus the One and Only by Beth Moore. Not too far into the study, we were asked to think about how God’s sovereignty and his sweetness worked together. I had to pause before I answered that question. I had heard a lot about God being sovereign. God has ultimate control of all that is, He is supreme. But I had never considered, or even contemplated him, as sweet. If you think about it, sovereignty without sweetness (or goodness) is kind of scary. I lived in that place for a long time with God. He was sovereign, and I was scared. But seeing his sovereignty WITH goodness is tender, is perfect, is trustworthy…is a perfect Heavenly Father.

God began to teach me He is good, and He loves me through Sweet Things. I define Sweet Things as the little (and big) blessings God gives to us that speak right to our unique hearts. They undeniably make Him known in ways that are so personal, so intimate, and so tender to us that only the one “who formed us in our mother’s womb” could know. They remind me He is present. He is near. I am heard. I am seen. He is good, and I am loved. Sweet Things are perfectly timed phone calls, text messages, letters, or cards. Sweet Things show up in a sunrise or a song on the radio. Sweet Things are gifts at just the moment you need them. Maybe just as you were beginning to doubt. They all scream God is real, God is good, God is love.
During that time just after we moved, God did so many Sweet Things, and He often used so many sweet people to do it. Each time He would show up in that way the truth became more and more resolved in me. Each time I faced a season of doubt it seemed to grow shorter, as I had begun to accumulate a long record of God’s faithfulness through Sweet Things.

My next great challenge following the Minnesota move was my sister-in-law’s battle with cancer, and her eventual passing. Certain lies that had not surfaced in a while came zooming back to the forefront, but again, God appeared in Sweet Things. And again, He reminded me He is good and He loves me. The night I had to say my final earthly goodbye to my sweet sister-in-law was easily the most difficult thing I have EVER done in my entire life. He brought one of my very dear friends to the hospital to stand beside me (distract me). The beautiful thing was, there was a lot of family around so I wasn't thinking about needing anyone else, but God knew more than I did. I needed a good friend. She gave me strength just by her sheer presence. Sweet Thing! I can’t tell you how sweet it was to have her there. God knew I needed her. He is sovereign and sweet.
As with any of God’s gifts to us, they are never meant for us to hoard or keep to ourselves. We are to hold onto them with open hands, willing to share them with others who may need them. I feel that way about Sweet Things. Sharing Sweet Things with people, and them sharing theirs with me only adds to my conviction. God is real, and good, and loves- not just me, but you. He hears you and He sees you. If you are willing, He will show you His sovereignty and His sweetness, and He will teach you that He is real, and He is so good, and He loves you so much.

I wrote that short prayer in the beginning of this post to testify: It is not my story, it is God’s, and I so want to tell it well. I stand today on promises and truth I never, ever, ever could have or would have resolved in my life without His patient love to teach me. Do not lose hope in your doubt, take it to Jesus. He is the “author and perfector of our faith”, and He will complete what He has started in you. And that is the sweetest of things.
Much love,

***Gretchen is also the author of "Wide Eyed: A Journal and Guide". You can order your own copy here. Or enter for a chance to win a FREE copy!

To WIN the book, please share this post on your preferred social media outlet, and comment below:

What is one Sweet Thing Jesus has done for you recently? (Or even a really special Sweet Thing He has done for you in the past!)

The winner will be announced next Monday, February 1. So excited to hear about your amazing Sweet Things!



Unknown said...

Beautiful, Gretchen. So true and well said. 💓

Heidi said...

Perfect thing to write about - beautifully said! Praise Him from whom all blessings flow!

Bethany Reilly said...

One super sweet thing Jesus has done for me recently is through a woman at our church. We are without a washing machine and dryer. I've been going to the laundromat and it can get a bit expensive.
I asked one day if I could come to her house to do laundry. But instead she offered for us to bring our laundry to church and she'd take it home and do it and then bring it to me at my new house. Not only did she do it for us but she folded it as well! It was such a sweet thing that truly made me feel loved and feel the presence of God in this strange season of our life. Moving to a brand new place was hard but we know God has big plans.

J Lockwood said...

Thanks for sharing this! After a week of three kids, 3 and under, with fevers 102-104 degrees my heart felt discouraged and defeated tonight. My youngest lay limp on my chest burning with fever most of the day. But then. I went to open a piece of mail and struggled to rip it with my first attempt. And her tired, sweaty head lifted from my chest and she belly laughed. My sweet, sick 10 month old laughed at my failed attempt to open the mail. And that laugh danced in my ears and made its way to my heart. Such a Sweet Thing, from my little sweet thing. A reminder of love in the midst of pain. A simple squeeze. A true "God hug."

J Lockwood said...
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Gretchen Miller said...

Thanks, ladies, for sharing. I love the simplistic, yet profound way that God has shown himself sweet to you. I am a mom of a 14, 13, and 9 year old now, but as a young mother, I remember so many sweet things in the grocery store, at the laundromat, a kind person in an airport, and the list goes on and on. I feel that is one of the most "Unseen" seasons of life, so I love that you have found God to be present in that place.

Unknown said...

This was so good for my heart to read! I'm feeling a bit alone and unnoticed lately but as soon as I read this I was reminded of Gods goodness and love through 'sweet things'. How there are little things in my everyday life that tell me that I'm not alone or forgotten but greatly loved by my Lord.