When He Says Go...

Raise your hand if you've ever felt The Spirit nudging your heart towards something, but you were really hoping you wouldn't have to do it. I'm glad I can't look around and physically see you right now because I may very well be the only one with my hand up. Trust me, both of my hands are raised.

For the last two and a half school years, I've been involved in a group called, "Mom to Mom" through my church. My particular small group is amazing. I have loved every leader I've had, and I love all the other girls at our table. We have grown together, cried out to God together, laughed together, cried together, partied together, had babies together, lost babies together, played with our kids together, and had some amazing breakfasts together. I had just signed up my kids for the child care a couple weeks ago, all ready to start the new year with my group.

God had other ideas.

Recently, I heard about a group of Moms/preschool kids in my new neighborhood who meet regularly. They just so happen to meet the same exact day and time Mom to Mom meets. My first thought was, "Oh well, I can't join- I already have M2M." Over time, the Holy Spirit began nudging my heart.

His whisper in my soul prompted, "Remember when you drove through this neighborhood before you even lived here and prayed for people?" "Remember how you've been asking me to help you meet your neighbors?" "Remember how you've longed to share Me with those around you?" "Now is your chance."

Me: "Noooooooo. Why can't the group meet on a different day than Mom to Mom does?!"

Then I heard messages from our Pastors on Sunday mornings. They spoke things like, "When God says go, you go!" or "Who is one person in your life you can share the love of Jesus with?"

The final straw happened during my teen small group one night. I was sharing my dilemma about joining the new Mom group vs. staying in my church's Mom group. My co-leader (who's a little older, but a whole lot wiser!) spoke up and stated, "I don't see what the problem is?" Later she talked with me candidly. She basically told me as Christ-followers, we're on this earth to share Christ- with our neighbors. She even said, "Mom to Mom is for you, the other group is for you to share the light of Jesus." Wow. How could I say no after that?!

The next morning I called my amazing Mom to Mom leaders and somewhat tearfully shared the news. I was going to be joining the new group in my neighborhood. They both affirmed my decision and encouraged me I was doing the right thing.

Though reluctantly, next week I will be heading up the street to face a whole group of Moms and kids I've never met. Sounds like an introvert nightmare to me. I might even break out in hives. As I walk over I know I'll be missing my friends who will be gathering at the same time without me. Sniff sniff.

Sometimes God asks us to go, and even when we can't see why, we just go...


Melody Martin said...

Abigail, I know the choice must have been so difficult. I am praying for you that you can shine AND grow in your new group. We will miss you, but of course, we can still get together!

dubbe said...

Wow, Babe, I'm so proud of you for seeking God and stepping out in faith! I know this is a big sacrifice and pray God will confirm his leading as soon as you show up next week.