
TODAY is a remarkable day! I am compelled to praise my God for LIFE. For MY life. I am living, breathing, alive, healed, WHOLE, and FREE today. 4 years ago today I never imagined that could possibly be true, but here I stand.

I stand in awe of my Savior. I stand in awe of his deep, intimate, and personal love for ME. I stand in awe of His unfathomable power. I stand in awe of His ways. I stand in awe of the beauty he created from ashes. I stand in awe of Psalm 23. I stand in awe that He is my Shepherd. I stand in awe because HE RESTORED MY SOUL.

I stand in awe of YOU, Jesus. So I'll let my words be few...

Jesus, I am so in love with you...


gretchen said...

God is good! His work in your life is remarkable--excited to see what He yet has in store!

Tara said...

My heart bursts while reading this!

Lisa said...

I got your text today, Fur. This post is beautiful in light of that. I'm so proud of how far you've come and how your confidence and zest for life is being restored! Love you so much!!

Katie said...

awesome :)

Laura Siegrist said...

Abby, that is encouraging to hear! I often think about you and wonder how you have healed and grown because of that. and today, even though I celebrate the past 4 yrs. of my life, I also remember you and am reminded that God's plan is perfect in your life. I am glad you see that and believe it too :)

Anonymous said...

What an encouragement to read!!! Thanks for sharing Abby! You are missing a wonderful snow this AM!
Marcia :-)

Anonymous said...

praise God to hear of your reliance and trust in Him!!!