my last post was my 100th post! i had no idea- i missed my chance for a celebration post. thus, i am going to celebrate my 101st post! hhmmm...i got nothin'.

i'll tell you this: i am very happy! i live a quite happy life- all thanks to God. the only downside is, lately i have been more-then-tired. so tired, i have been driven to naps (which i RARELY take), and freak-out-ish situations. they say you can survive longer without water then you can without sleep. i believe it.


gretchen said...

First of all congrats on 100! Second, yay for naps! In my mind there is nothing like a good nap.

Anonymous said...

yay! i celebrate w/ you!

Heidi said...

Great info... I had no idea that water is less important than sleep. I'm going to bed!

The Meantime said...

Because there was no 0 post the 101 post is truly the 100th post... or something like that.

Tara said...

You must write way more than me cuz we started the same night and I only have 68! Congrats!

The Meantime said...

In response to your question on my blog- I got written up for missing A, yes, single, solo, one, initial on the duty roster. This store rules.

y2krust said...

Wow. You must be busy! I've posted twice since your 100th! :-) Time for another . . .