An Attempt at My Heart...

My heart? What is my heart saying right now?

My heart wants to express my deepest gratitude to all of you who prayed for the AG Silver/Cornerstone Benefit Concert last night. All day long, I received precious texts, voicemails, emails, cards, facebook posts, and encouraging notes everywhere I turned. Thank you. God was HUGE yesterday. HUGE. He and I had some powerful moments, and I’m thankful we actually had quite a bit of time to ourselves.

I know a lot of you were praying about my car situation. It’s a crazy story- but LONG story short, I asked for prayer for it to be fixed by 4pm central time. Right after sending out that email, I got down on my knees, asked God for my car back and left it in His hands. I got my car back at 2:45 pm AND got a nice, unexpected mile run in! Later that day, I ended up driving a friend around who really needed to get some things taken care of, so God had more in mind for getting it fixed then even I could know! Thank you for praying…thank you.

I keep thinking back on so many things that took place yesterday, and last night. It makes me wonder if this is what planning a wedding is like. So many people come together, work so hard, lose sleep, stop eating, get excited, get worried, pray, hope, dream….all leading up to one event. Then, in the blink of an eye it’s all done, and I can’t for the life of me believe it’s over!

So, my heart of hearts wants to express that YES and AMEN the night was glorious! The night was absolutely precious, and it was beautiful. Many people coming together for the soul purpose of loving God and loving people and using their unique abilities in such a vast array of ways. The night was full of color, character, emotion, art, soul, wholeness, love, and God. Part of me can’t sit still because I am so happy at such a beautiful event, and another part of me wants to weep for all that God has brought my community through.

Vague? Maybe my words seem vague- but I think it’s because my heart does not possess the capabilities to put into words what I experienced in real life last night.

I just want to thank you, and say how grateful- how desperately grateful I am for The Body of Christ.

My biggest prayer throughout all of this was that GOD WOULD BE GLORIFIED. Mostly I am in awe, because as my heart reflects on the night, I see that yes, truly yes, my God glorified Himself in ways I never could have imagined…


Anonymous said...

PRAISE THE LORD!!!!!!!!! What an answer to prayer!