7 Things

7 Things You Probably Do Not Know About Me

a.) when i get really nervous, or excited, mostly nervous, my teeth chatter uncontrolably (like when normal people are cold)

b.) i absolutely love wearing a new outfit, and absolutely hate when people say "is that a new outfit?"

c.) i love my nose ring SO much that i now want to get my face pierced

d.) there are many times in my life when i feel that i love certain people so much it hurts, and i want to cry, and i start breathing really hard

e.) i ADORE libraries

f.) sometimes i have this thought, while staring in the mirror, "what if God doesn't really exist? what if i don't really exist? who am i? what are people?" and i get really, REALLY freaked out

g.) i hate being smothered in a conversation- i hate being made to tell a story that i did not want to tell


Jamie said...

You left these out...

h. I really am a huge sports fan.

i. I prefer the woods over the beach.

j. i find men with mustaches extremely hot.

The Owl said...

roomie!! i love you!! i can picture all these things being you!! and funny enough i can definitely relate to some of them...like loving wearing a new outfit and hating when people ask you if its new! haha!! and i think one of my favorite smells is a book so anything to do with books i love!! i walk into a bookstore or such and just take a deep breath, ahhh...so wonderful!
miss you!! :)

Anonymous said...

glad to learn more about you!!

the way I see it... said...

we are so alike, it's scary.

Marissa said...

Isn't your face already technically pierced? My teeth start to chatter uncontrollably too, but not when I'm nervous, mine chatter when I'm beyond tired.

Nate and Emily Miller said...

oooh i really liked this post...some of those things i didn't even know!! and btw...you should totally pierce your face off! i feel the need to live vicariously through you and your piercings being SOMEBODY (*coughcoughnatecoughcough*) wouldn't really like it at all if I got my nose pierced. BOO HISSSS!!

Tara said...

Here here on the libraries!

Faith, Hope & Lovebugs said...

oh my, I can totally relate to f, i haven't thought about that in a while... but every now and then I do, and it totally freaks me out! : )