well, a bit of relief came today when dad called me on my lunch break. he does not have an infection in his blood. (thank you Lord!) but, he does have an infection in his valves. the surgery will now be either the 17th or 18th of april. i will most likely fly in on Easter Sunday (16th) and stay until may 1. i found out today that if i miss 2 weeks of work, i should still be able to keep my benefits, or i can take a family medical leave for up to 4 months. that is a huge relief and i am so thankful God is providing for me in these ways. i absolutely knew he would take care of me, but it's so comforting to see it happen already. still not sure what will happen with my original plane ticket, but have no doubt God has it under control. it brings such warmth to my heart to know i will be in the presence of my parents in two weeks. knowing that my dad will be undergoing severe open heart surgery is not so pleasant, but at least we'll be journeying together, instead of me just floppin' around MN alone without them. The Lord is my shepherd.


Tara said...

What a relief--I know there's still a lot going on, but at least some questions are being answered, little by little...

We continue to pray. See ya tomorrow.

NY23CLIFF said...

Abs--its Ang

I love your heart...it brings comfort to mine. I will be praying much for your family during this time.God will restore you...that is a promise. I love you and I am glad you are in MN...you are not alone.

The Owl said...

roomie, i love you so and wish i could be there to give you a hug!! i prayn' for you and for papa!!