fools fun?!

maybe it's just me, but april fool's day makes me paranoid. i've already been tricked once today and it's only 9:30 am. swz and i were listening to the radio and they were announcing that 2,000 sharks were being released into 3 MN lakes for testing. we were both horrified and shared a variety of nasty complaining comments about the situation. to swz's credit she did say, "maybe they're making this up..." i completely believed the radio. neither one of us remembered the date. low and behold later i was flipping through the stations again, and OH! april fool's. ick. i am not going to believe any thing that happens to me for the rest of the day!


Chuck said...

I totally would have fallen for that prank as well!!

Peggy said...

Abby, you sure do make me smile):):

Tara said...

Why would you NOT believe what they're saying on the radio?? I would have bought it. =)