On The Road Again...

i just can't wait to get on the road again! something about friends...music with my friends. blah. blah. blah. you get the picture.

i took steps today people! i limped one feeble foot in front of the other. suddenly mean jokes from high school are haunting me again. "gimp" "gimpy"...that's what i became. but, i will rise above the potential remarks. i have no shame in moving about like a grandma. i actually feel quite sad for the elderly and disabled. this week, i am connecting with how they must feel. it's a sad realization.

today: one small step for me- one big step for....uhh...how does that go? mankind? i'm just praising the Lord for my small step.


Heidi said...

Abs!!! I'm so glad that your starting the recovery! Can't wait to see you soon. Going to be home this weekend? Maybe I'll stop by.